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Donations: the Excalibur Fund

At the MERLN Institute at Maastricht University, we are working on developing new therapies that can assist the body in repairing damage and thereby improving quality of life.

Our team of internationally respected Principal Investigators are working on a myriad of strategies to help cure chronic diseases. For example, we develop biomedical implants to help the body instigate its own repair mechanisms and we employ a wide range of tools and technologies to build new tissues and organs. MERLN scientists have an extensive network of colleagues at research institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as with biomedical companies. These connections help us conduct our research at the highest level.

To reach our goals we can use your support! That is why we have opened the Excalibur Fund. With your donations, we can give our research an extra boost, which will contribute to fighting diseases such as osteoarthritis, cardiovascular and neural degeneration, kidney disease and diabetes.

If you would like to make a tax-deductable donation, please visit the Excalibur Fund page, hosted by the University Fund Limburg. And if you have any questions about donations or our research, please contact Dr. Dennie Hebels.

First Excalibur-funded project: Chemera

The first project that was funded by the Excalibur fund was an innovative idea for education. Tony Feliciano, Ivo Beeren, Shahzad Hafeez, and Francis Morgan had a common goal: To promote STEM education for students and young professionals by using game-style mechanics to encourage practice, comprehension and application. This led to the development of their first game: Chemera.


The content of Chemera is designed so that it follows the course structure of first year Organic Chemistry course in the Maastricht Science Program curriculum. Students can unlock the next level in the game by gathering points. The course coordinator can also freely control the available content. This method encourages students to play and reach a certain score before moving on to the next topic. They also receive feedback on their performance per learning goal. Chemera helps in making highly technical problem sets easy and fun to practice!

If you would like to try the beta version of the game, you can request a download and give feedback on their website: