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Organizing outreach activities is an important way for MERLN to show to non-scientists who we are and what we are working on. We realize that the work of scientists sometimes seems like a bit of a black box and often people will only hear about new discoveries and exciting prospects in the news. That is why we want to involve people more, for example, by visiting schools to give interesting lectures and demonstrations, inviting school classes for a hands-on day in the lab, and organizing open days to offer you an opportunity to get to know our institute. During all of our activities, we want to show that science is fun and fascinating!

The members of MERLN's outreach team are Dennie Hebels, Fiona Passanha, Angelique Dijk, Nadia Roumans, Timo Rademakers, Eva Gubbins, Gözde Sahin, Niloofar Tahmasebi and Matt Baker.

Check out our upcoming events to see what activities we are involved in and when you can meet us! And if there are any events where our outreach team could help you out, for example by giving a lecture or a demonstration, you are always welcome to contact Dennie Hebels.